
You are transforming karma,
this may take a moment.

Many in Body
One in Mind

Right Now, Somebody, Somewhere could be chanting Daimoku - but how do you know?
What if there was no Daimoku anywhere in the world - Would it matter?

Why chant?

You can make
a difference

What if Daimoku did matter?
What if Oneness of Self and Environment was true? That would mean no matter where or who you are, people like you can make a difference!

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Join The
in the Air

What if your Daimoku was the last voice on earth, would you not chant a few minutes longer if you could? What if you could all chant together, where ever you are together as one.

Start Now

A Ceaseless Flow
of Daimoku

What if, the world was bathed in an endless flow of Daimoku?
Nothing is more eloquent than actual proof
Why not be part of it?

Start Now

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Namaste and Welcome

1.We have built this web app for you with amazing interfaces that work and load fast, for your mobile and tablet device, we hope you like it
2. We have built this web app for you with amazing interfaces that work and load fast, for your mobile and tablet device, we hope you like it

bearded-man-is-meditating-on-green-grass-in-the-park-with-face-raised-up-to-sky-and-eyes-closed- Many in Body One in Mind What if the oneness of Ones Self and Environment was true? What if Daimoku really can change things? xxxxx ...

stock-photo-prayer-and-holding-prayer-book-and-jutsu-beads-in-japanese-buddhist-nichiren-culture Join in The Ceremony in the Air Right Now, Somebody, Somewhere must be chanting Daimoku, why not join them? What if there was no Daimoku anywhere in the world but yours? ...

img In a Ceaseless Flow of Daimoku What if there was a oneness of ones self and the environment?  What if the world was bathed in an endless flow of Daimoku for world peace and prosperity. ...

img Start Now Nothing is more eloquent than actual proof so why not be the change you wish to see in the world? Registration is 100% free and made as easy as possible!  Once registered - you have the opportunity to join thousands of others in Daimoku and see actual proof ...

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