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Campaign History

The Osaka Campaign - This is one of the first campaigns that the SGI did back in 1956 and is now famous, it shows the Campaigning Sprit of SGI.

img for Campaign History

A Ceaseless Flow of Daimoku

In: Campaigns, Challenges, Actual Proof

Simply put this campaign for 'A Ceaseless Flow of Daimoku' could be achieved if one person chanted Daimoku continuously for 24 hrs, 7 days a week, that would be a single thread of Daimoku.
It is the act of chanting Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō (南無妙法蓮華経) with out the worry of pausing for breath, less of a problem when chanting together in a Tozo.

About Campaigns

A feature of a campaign is a Clear Goal, Start Date usually on a SGI date and Ending it on an SGI date (eg May 3rd, or November 18th, the anniversary of the establishment of the Soka Gakkai). We have had many campaigns over the years, some are still ongoing, some are new, some are old, some are for a specific purpose, reason,event, person, goal and so on. We make a pledge, that I will do 'this' for 'this' time, for 'this' reason, for a given outcome on a given target date. For example the Actual Proof Campaign started on 18th November 2013 and ran thru to the target date May 3rd.

A Challenges vs Campaigns

A Challenge is a personal thing, it may be part of a Campaign. A Challenge has jeopardy, a risk, a reward, a goal, a time limit, a start and end date. A Challenge is a personal thing, it's a pledge, a promise, a commitment, it may be part of a Campaign, but not all Campaigns are Challenges.
On this platform you can log your Pledge, Challenge, Campaign, Actual Proof, and your Story it is a place to share your experiences. It is historical, it is a record of your journey .

The 0 1 2 3 Campaign

This was Zero complaints, One hour of chanting Daimoku a day, Twenty Minutes of Study, Connect with 3 members a day. This was born out of a time when Covid-19 was at its peak, and we were all in lockdown. Connecting with members was a way to keep the spirits up, to keep the faith alive by sharing experiences and daily encouragement. This was a Youth-led initiative for Europe towards May 3rd.

img By: CFOD July 15th 2024

Be The Light

In: Campaigns, SGI, Closed

Europe-wide daimoku campaign: “0123 Be the Light!” At this unprecedented time with the spread of Coronavirus in Europe, we want to respond by taking this as an opportunity to forge an even stronger, more unshakable bond as One Europe with Sensei through uniting in prayer. With the same spirit as our mentor we raised the lion's roar across Europe - on this counter we recorded 289,598,000 daimoku united in prayer as One Europe With Sensei! What an incredible achievement!

Zero complaints, One hour of chanting Daimoku a day, Twenty Minutes of Study, Connect with 3 members a day. But why no Complaining or Blaming?
Because it is a waste of time, it is a negative energy, it is a negative karma, it is a negative thought, it is negative action. But most of all if you blame others you have lost all control, you are a passive victim, so how can you be a script-writer? No excuses like English is not my first language, I am gay, dyslexic and old,or, I am too young, too busy,too tired, too poor, too fat/thin/tall/short and the list goes on. The worst I have heard is "Because Im Marked!"
These are just excuses for not taking accountability. Hearing people complain shows a total lack of perspective, if you are reading this you have access to the Internet and a Computer or Mobile, maybe in a cafe with coffee and food. There are people who have no food, no water, no shelter, no family, no friends, no hope, no future - but you are not one of them.
We are all good at something so we play to our strengths.

The campaign was launched on 1st April 2020 and ran for 50 days, ending on 20th May 2020. The goal was to chant 1,000,000 daimoku per day, for a total of 50,000,000 daimoku over the 50 days.

When one lights a torch for someone at night, one brings light not only to another person but to oneself as well. Likewise, when one livens other people’s complexions, one livens one’s own too, when one gives them strength, one gives oneself strength too, when one prolongs their lives, one prolongs one’s own life as well. On clothing and food. Volume 2
img By: CFOD July 15th 2024

Why Actual Proof

In: Campaigns, Challenges, Actual Proof

Actual Proof - was showing that this practice actually work, we wanted Actual Proof to encourage others.
So SGI-UK have embarked on their Actual Proof Campaign, starting 18th November 2013, and winning towards 18th November 2030. In this way, by linking our daily prayers and actions to realize true happiness for ourselves and others with the completion of the new headquarters on 18th November 2013, President Ikeda is encouraging us to realize great victories in our lives that can stand out as "actual proof" of faith that is as grand and impressive as the new seven-storey headquarters building.

So now is the time for us to ask ourselves:
  • What is the challenge facing me that I really want to break through?
  • What is my grand vision for my life or my family?
  • What positive advance could I make in my home life, place of work or study?
  • Is there a secret dream locked in my heart that I have not yet dared to really pray to realise?
  • What will be my great actual proof that I will proudly share with others?
This all matters because chanting for a Car Parking space is an easy victory, getting a great job is another victory, world peace in turbulent times is a bigger but achievable goal.
Your Daimoku matters!
img By: CFOD July 15th 2024

50 Day Challenge

In: Campaigns, Challenges, Actual Proof

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nibh quam, tincidunt at varius a, tristique ut felis. Duis id massa massa. Suspendisse finibus maximus rhoncus. Fusce ac velit ut magna ultrices euismod. Aliquam in facilisis mi. Sed eget consectetur tortor, non efficitur nisi. Duis lorem ligula, finibus sed consequat eget, eleifend nec tortor. Donec ultricies lacus ut dolor vulputate cursus.

img By: CFOD July 15th 2024

One Million Daimoku

In: Campaigns, Challenges, Actual Proof

One Million Daimoku is for a Personal Challenge, you usually get a booklet of squares, where

  • Each square = 20mins or 1000 daimoku,
  • 26x4 squares = 100,000 daimoku,
  • 10 bars of 26x4 squares = 1,000,000 daimoku.

This is where you write down your Determination in the card and put it by the Gohonzon and begin manifesting it as your chant.
Your district can also join in so you get progress quicker.

img By: CFOD July 15th 2024

History of Campaigns in SGI
This is one of the first campaigns that the SGI did back in 1956 and is now famous, it shows the Campaigning Sprit of SGI.

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